Let's talk bedtime, that time from 6.30pm-8pm at night that has parents on the countdown to the cup of tea in peace.
From the chime of the 'In the Night Garden' theme tune lights are lowered, baths are run, jammies and comforters layed out.
The bedtime routine is a fine art and once you've nailed it it can be traumatic to consider anything that would disrupt it. Think of the fear that builds every year on the run up to the clocks changing!!!
After a volatile relationship with sleep Joel now loves his bed. At times he requests 'You lie down beside me mummy?' But this is often shortly followed my his sleepy muffled voice saying 'Go away from my bed, get out!'
So I expect you all now want a glimpse of our magic bedtime routine?
6.30 - Prepare him that bedtime is approaching. Turn off big light in favour of softer lighting, warn Joel toys are to be tidied up soon.
6.40-7pm - Bedtime tv or bath time depending on days snot levels/amount of dinner stuck in hair.
'Nooooo hairdryerrrrrrrr' meltdown optional.
7pm - Pyjamas and daily asthma medicine obstacle course including world champion hiding naked under table marathon.
7.10 - 5 minute bedtime warning
7.11 - Unreasonable demands -
'My want cup of tea biscuit!!'
'My sandwich'
'Just ONE playtime'
7.15 - Dummy bribery.
7.20 - Hugs and kisses and story and chat about the day
Eg, 'You were a great boy at helping mummy today, I was so happy when you got nappies and wipes for mummy when Nuala needed her nappy changed.'
'BUT mummy did not like it when you did a wee in the middle of your Octopus Socktopus book and tried to hid it under a mountain of other books. Let's make sure 'wee wees' go in the potty tomorrow ok?'
7.30 - Hardcore negotiation
'One more story'
'More kisses'
'You lie beside me'
'More hugs' followed by physical restraint.
7.40 - Pointless discussion about difference between morning time and night time.
7.45 - Final 'night night' and kisses and go downstairs.
7.50 - Mummy my drink!!!
7.55 - A monster
8.00 - Noise of toys being tipped from toy shelf
Go to his room using 'I mean business' footsteps while I hear the shriek of excitement and the doofdoofdoof of him running and hiding under his bed.
8.05 - FINAL night night and kisses.
Get the kettle on.
What's your night time routine?
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