It's a lovely time. I've finished up work. We have had a year of disruption with repair work being required on our home and ongoing disputes with electric company as to their responsibility to cover the cost of repair work. The repair work has finally been completed. The work men and their dusty boots have left the building and after an unsettled period of strangers in the house and being shipped out of the house like like the roaming lost its lovely to have the house back to ourselves.
Joel has the last few weeks in his daycare place and I'm loving the time to potter about the house and have been binge watching The West Wing.
4 days a week I have Joel to myself and I'm loving enjoying the dwindling time together in the calm before the colicky storm.
It's lovely to have this time, waiting and appreciating, but you know what's ruining it?
You, the general public are ruining my lovely blissful time.
'You still here?'
Yes I am still HERE.
In fact I'm not even at my due date yet so I can still be HERE all I like.
Stop making me feel like I should be in labour.
'Have you tried.....'
Raspberry leaf tea? Pineapple? Bouncing on the birthing ball? Walking up and down the stairs? Sex? Curry? Nipple tweaking? Walking round ikea? Glass of wine?
Leave me alone.
Plus, the birthing ball is the worst invention in the history of life. If you know me you will be aware that I am the most uncoordinated person that exists. Now imagine that plus a huge bump trying to balance on a big inflatable round object, while bouncing. Yeah.
Plus there's nowhere to store this giant instrument of torture away from the hands of a mischievous toddler. Nowhere.
'Exito Wombo, the magic combination presented to me by my hopeful hubby. Every night. |
My belly is not your property. Now I have a pretty high tolerance for invasions on my personal space. I have a toddler that uses my selected outfit of the day as his personal tissue, always had his hands running through my hair and climbs onto my knee.
However please don't touch my belly uninvited. Recently lots of people have reached out to touch my bump to see if I've 'dropped yet'. The top of my bump is awful close to my ever expanding boobs. So things got weird.
Your bump is neat/big/low/high....'What girl doesn't love her body being scrutinised and commented on on an hourly basis? I don't want to spend money on maternity wear and so I have a very limited wardrobe with which to jazz myself up with in the mornings. We can't all be Kate flippin' Middleton and dainty and glorious at the cusp of motherhood.
Nope thats not even Kate Middleton, its mee!!! |
Take into account my unreasonable nature and abundance of hormones
Let me spell it out; get out of my way in the supermarket. Make me tea. Do not drive slowly and stupidly infront off my car. Don't park right outside my house forcing me to park down the street and walk for 20 seconds to get to my house. Don't sniff. Don't breath loudly. Don't eat loudly. Don't tell me you're tired. Don't ask me if I've packed my hospital bag, I'll totally do it later.
Also, someone pack my hospital bag for me please? I can't be bothered, it's so boring and I can't think logically enough to know I'll do it right.
That will not end well.
Anyways, after that rant let me regain my inner peace.
Yes, this really is a lovely time.
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