I feel like the baby-in-the-sink image is one that features in every baby album. When Joel came home from hospital we used a baby bath that we borrowed from my generous sister-in-law. But it wasn't long until Joel was bursting out of the baby bath and progressed to the big bath.
We used a cloth bath support like this one. Joel lay happily and kicked his legs but soon he learned to wriggle and he would squirm his way too the bottom of the bath support quicker than you could reach for the baby shampoo!
So then Joel progressed to his big boy bath seat. He loves to sit up in the bath a look around him and reach for his bath toys. He learned to use his arms to splash and flood the bathroom!
On xmas eve our boiler gave up. Our water ran cold and our heating went off. We called out a boiler repair man fully expecting to pay through the nose for the xmas eve privilege. The company we rang said we would have an repair man by 1pm and sure enough at 1pm he was at our door. He assessed our boiler and told us it needed a new printed circuit board. Unfortunately he did not have the circuit board that we needed and prepared us that it would be optimistic to expect to be able to locate one before new years as all the suppliers were closed for the holidays. He then told us that as he couldn't fix our boiler there would be no call out fee charged! Well who would have guessed? Anyways my hero husband was able to perform a quick temporary fix which enabled us to use the boiler for a bit of background heat but no hope for hot water.
We have an electric shower so this has been our saving glory! We attempted to put Joel in the shower. We placed his bath seat in the shower but he was not happy about it. In fact he was VERY angry about it. He cried and cried!! So it was a very short shower, more of a sprinkle..
With it being the christmas season we have been out and about visiting family and abusing their bah facilities for Joel but tonight we were in out own house, with a very stinky baby. Nothing else for it, time for sink bath!!
However, I am certain that there is a very limited time span on this adventure, before Joel realises he can just stand up and climb out.
Joel then had a post-bath nosey around the kitchen, rounded up with a wee on the floor. Look at his face, he totally knows what he's playing at....
On the subject of baths have you heard of the Tummy Tub?! I am gutted that I didn't know about this product until recently, I would have loved to have tried it with Joel. I have seen photos of friend's children using it and they look so relaxed and content!
(image from the web)
Have you ever given your baby a sink bath??
Do you have a Tummy Tub??
I'd love to hear your experiences...
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