Monday, 9 September 2013

Quest to become a Quilter!

I am just home from my first quilting class at Quilters Quest, Woodstock Road. 

I have to say I was very nervous about going, it all seemed like a great idea in July when I paid my deposit and signed up.  However the more I thought of it the more I realised that I possess none of the basic skills required to make a quilt.  I cannot sew or use a sewing machine, I lack patience, I have the attention span of a flea.  And when I arrived at the class, with my basic sewing kit hopefully tucked under my arm, I realised I have None of the essential equipment to begin quilting.  I have borrowed a sewing machine from my lovely sister in law but am yet to build up the confidence to open it, I have no blades and cutter, measuring ruler, mat or even useable material! 

My fears were confirmed, I was in well above my head.  

My friend Gemma and I were first to arrive which meant we had a chance to explore the treasure cave of beautiful patterned fabric.  We planned the quilts we would make, meanwhile realising we know nothing about fabric measures.  

Note that around five sections of this fabric is christmas themed!  YAY!

One by one the other member of the class began to arrive and it became clear to us that we were the only beginners as they all greeted each other warmly.  Everyone was very open and friendly and made us feel very welcome in she class.  

The class instructor, Varlerie quickly sussed out our skill level and advised us on what project would suit us best.  I had brought with me a wee bundle of Joel's baby clothes as my hope was to make a quilt out of them.  She discussed with me the challenges that my notion presented, and warned that the stretch of the soft fabric of his clothes would be tricky for a novice sewer like me.  So with her encouragement we decided that the best idea was to begin with a simple cushion pattern to learn all the basic skills and then decide if I could transfer these newly learnt skills to the baby quilt I wished to make.  

So we began by choosing our fabrics, anyone who knows me will know that I made a bee line to the christmas section (SQQUUUEEEEEE!!!)

It was difficult to choose which fabrics to use as there was so much choice!  I pulled a variety of different fabrics down and lined them up and finally decided on these three.

Once they were cut to the amount of fabric we needed we ironed the creases out.  This is important to ensure that when cutting the fabric to size out measurement weren't skewed by wrinkles and creases. Here is lovely Gemma demonstrating how to iron like a quilting pro.


Next it was time to cut the fabric to size.  We needed a measuring ruler and a fabric cutter.  I'm pretty sure those aren't official terms.  Valerie showed me how to use these tools to measure the required size the cut safely, always move the blade away from you! Making the first cut to the beautiful fabric I had just purchased was scary, I was terrified I was going to make a mistake.  However once I had taken the initial step it was satisfying to cut the fabric into perfect square's.
Like I said, I didn't have any of these equipment but the other girls in the class were generous with their stash and were happy to offer me the lend of what I needed.
Its all I managed in my first 2 hour class but it was a great sense of achievement!   AND WE GOT A CUP OF TEA!

Look at that lovely perfect cutting! 

I'm really looking forward to the class next week, I will be bringing the sewing machine with me to learn how to set it up and how to sew together my perfect cutting. 
I have a feeling the next week will be filled with obsessive internet hunting for good value equipment and unusual material.  

Any hints and tips and equipment recommendations are welcome!! 

Check out this place;
A treasure trove of fabric and a great bunch of welcoming girls.  Beginning to think that making a quilt might be achievable... 


  1. Love the fabrics - good luck! I would love to do a class like this :)

  2. Aren't they beautiful? I'm really enjoying the class, hopefully I will be able to master it enough to make a quilt.
